Sunday, January 20, 2008

Masters Project - purpose

I just finished reading chapter three of GTD. This chapter describes the "Five Phases of Planning":
  1. Defining purpose and principles
  2. Outcome visioning
  3. Brainstorming
  4. Organizing
  5. Identifying next actions
I'm fearful of applying step one to my masters project. I already know that I will have a difficult time answering the question, "What is the purpose of my project?"

I can feel my heart rate increase as I type this post.

Unfortunately, I find myself with little reason for this project and that may explain my lack of enthusiasm in finishing it. This next quote from GTD sums it all up for me:
If you're not sure why you're doing something, you can never do enough of it.
Update 020080121 - I started! Even though it's not complete, it does feel better knowing that I at least started this dreaded task.

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