Sunday, January 13, 2008

Cleanliness vs Godliness

I've never been a religious person yet I suppose that my new religion is one of decluttering and cleaning.

Item #1 on my list has been a challenge. Cleaning is something that I am actually quite obsessive about however, it must be on my time and not all of the time. For years, I thought that I was borderline OCD but I now know that this is not the truth. If it were, my place would be spotless all of the time and I would be obsessively washing my hands. Sadly, this is not how it is.

Weekends tend to be my time to catch up on all of those things that I don't have time to do during the weekdays because I'm at work. My desk is usually quite tidy at the office. The rest of my home is usually pretty clean. When it comes to my room however, I find it a real challenge.

I suppose it's because I have too much stuff crammed into a little space...

That said, I haven't made much attempt to clean things up however, I did manage to package up some parcels that have been sitting around and writing letters to people. Things are progressing as far as the room is concerned but at a snail's pace. I suppose I'll have to get to it next weekend...

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