Friday, April 11, 2008

Lola climbs the corporate ladder - only to fall down in completing her other goals...

Guess what?

It looks like I got a new job as well! I start sometime at the beginning of May. It's in the same department but different. The only downside is that I have to change locations... Apparently, that's only temporary though so I can survive until the renos are done...

As far as goals are concerned though, I'm shirking my responsibilities. I thought I had the saving thing in sight but noticed some other financial items that were putting the other items on hold. Hopefully, I'll have that done by pretty much the end of this month.

Eating healthy? Not so diligent. Exercise? Mostly, I'm sticking to it. Computer? Not even close. Moving? Yes, only down the priority scale on my to-do list...

Oh well. Not much to beat myself up about. I'll be going to see Duran Duran at the end of this month... It cannot be all bad...

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