- Feb 2008 - 55.64 mi
- Jan 2008 - 65.42 mi
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
MapMyRun - The ASICS Run 100 Miles in a Month Challenge
Last Updated: 020080220
020080220 - We had company over the long weekend and I didn't run. Today was a long one. I think I have 9.37 mi to complete in the next day or two.
020080213 - I missed my run yesterday, so today was eight miles. The hills are getting a lot easier.
020080129 - Yesterday it snowed! I missed my run so I had to increase my distance today to keep on track -- did 8 miles in the wind and rain - my knees are a little sore.
Today I logged into MapMyRun. MapMyRun can be used to record walks, hikes, runs, biking, etc. It's free to join and you can slice and dice as much data as you like - even information from a GPS unit if you have one. Its not perfect, they do not support Garmin upload from Mac OS X :-(
I hadn't been to the site in months. They've added some useful new features, one of which is goals. So, I bit the bullet and joined the ASICS Run 100 Miles in a Month Challenge.
Unfortunately they don't offer a widget to add to your blog, but, I took a region capture so you get the idea.
Monday, January 21, 2008
2008, New year, New plans !
I'm going to take this opportunity as a reminder for myself, but also to encourage each other to accomplish what we have set up to do in 2008. Every year, just like most of people do, I made a "new year's resolution. But when I look back now, I don't even remember what I made a resolution about last year.
But ! I have a feeling that this year could be different. I'll make it even a just bit different. I live in a different place, go to different school and hang out with different people from last year, so somehow I feel that I myself would be a bit different, in a both positive and negative ways. "Stay focussed" is definitely what I need to do in order to enjoy my life more and challenge what I haven't acomplished. I'm going to share just a part of my plans for this time because I need some time to think more.
- Go to places that I've never been to
- Go out there ! Have more fun
- Manage time well
- Learn how to cook
- Spend more time with my sibilings
- Eat more veggies
- Give most focus on studying, I mean school work
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Masters Project - purpose
- Defining purpose and principles
- Outcome visioning
- Brainstorming
- Organizing
- Identifying next actions
I can feel my heart rate increase as I type this post.
Unfortunately, I find myself with little reason for this project and that may explain my lack of enthusiasm in finishing it. This next quote from GTD sums it all up for me:
If you're not sure why you're doing something, you can never do enough of it.Update 020080121 - I started! Even though it's not complete, it does feel better knowing that I at least started this dreaded task.
GTD on YouTube
In October 2007, David Allen, the man behind the GTD movement gave a talk at Google HQ. Google invites speakers from many disciplines to speak at their corporate campus.
Update: I posted this before watching it through. I just finished watching it and I must say that I am a little disappointed with the presentation. There was just too much rambling and not enough explaining, it's like a watching a film when you're waiting for something good to happen -- I thought he would have put up the GTD workflow at least.
GTD Wallpaper

I found some nice GTD Workflow wallpapers today. The one I like the most is from Anabubula.com. This rendering of the workflow has a web 2.0 feel to it, the colour scheme, rounded corners, etc.
I finished reading Chapter two of Getting Things Done (GTD) today, I hope to read Chapter three tonight so I can stay on track of one chapter per day to reach my end of month goal.
I also bought a six-pack of cardboard storage boxes from Staples on Friday. From the first two chapters of the book, part of the success of GTD is to have a system for collecting and processing your things.
New member...
If you're interested in signing on yourself, please drop Kirby or Lola a line...
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Lottery fund...
I had saved a fair bit but used it to pay off bills at the end of last year. Now I am building up the balance again. It'll take a few paychecks but now that I'm not charging up a storm anymore, I can build it up.
Today, I deposited one-third of what I withdrew originally.
That means that within the next month, task #4 can finally be checked off!
020080119 - Plumbing
This morning I replaced the fill valve and flapper on a toilet. Elapsed time: 45 minutes, which included one trip to the work shed. This wasn't exactly a goal of mine, but, it had to be done and since I had put it off for the last week or so I thought I would post it.
Once less thing on my mind to worry about.
This constant, unproductive preoccupation with all the things we have to do is the single largest consumer of time and energy.
-- Kerry Gleeson
Friday, January 18, 2008
Items #2 & #3: Get More Exercise & Eat Healthier!
Exercise has morphed into walking as much as I can. It also became a necessity because of the shitty bus service in my area. I now walk everyday in some form or another. My plantar fasciatus has been acting up but probably because the calluses were softened after my pedicure this week. So, I've gotten the moleskin out and it seems to be doing the job.
I've also started a little weight program at home along with squats, crunches, girly push-ups and some yoga stretching. I've also started two yoga classes a week. One kundalini and a hatha yoga class on Sundays & Mondays.
It really does feel better having got some exercise. I no longer feel like a slug and I can see that clothes fit a bit better.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Kirby - De-clutter Goal
- The more I have, the more I want
- The less I have, the less I worry about things
Kirby - Getting Things Done (GTD)
I'm going to set a goal to finish this book by the end of the month.
For more info on GTD check out these links:
Another great resource is D*I*Y Planner. They provide free PDF templates, including many for GTD fans.
Kirby - 020080117
Last year we took my son to watch our local marathon. As each runner approached the finish line the announcer would say a few words about them. One fellow was in his 50s and had not missed a day of running for the past twenty-odd years! Amazing.
Kirby - Business Goal
- 020080121 - Attended a "technical presentation". It was OK, not as good as I had hoped -- if I had won the iPod nano I would have said it was awesome :-)
- 020080117 - Attended a tax seminar sponsored by the City; it answered most of my questions
- 020080116 - Phone call with my potential business partner
- We've had a bit of a set back with funding, but, will try to get back on track soon
- We've setup a weekly telephone call so we can keep up to date
Business has already been formed and registered with the state
Kirby - Masters Goal
- To be completed by 2/8/2008
- Continue working on the "design document", it's up to 12 pages and will eventually become an appendix to my project paper
- Integrate my project with the Lab's build process
- Today's call was good - I need to make my code available sooner than later though!
- One thing that we agreed could e a low priority was the integration with the lab database/service - that's fine by me :-)
- We also talked about the possibility of a small directed studies course
- I'll wait and see what courses are offered this summer first
- To be completed by 1/31/2008
- Continue working on the "design document"
- Integrate my project with the Lab's build process
- To be completed by 1/24/2008
- Move my source code in to the Lab's source code repository
- Integrate my project with the Lab's build process
- Write a summary of the current state of the project
- Write a "to be completed" statement
- Write a "future work" statement
Kirby - Fitness/Marathon Goal
Since it's been a while since I've been running I have setup a short-term goal of running at least four times per week, where one run is long (~5 mi).
- week 4: 1/20/2008 - 1/26/2008: 6.74 mi across 2 runs
- week 3: 1/13/2008 - 1/19/2008 : 10.54 mi across 3 runs - FAIL
- week 2: 1/6/2008 - 1/12/2008 : 8.95 mi across 4 runs
- week 1: 1/2/2008 - 1/5/2008 : 8.02 mi across 4 runs
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Kirby - 020080116
* Click here for an explanation of the leading zero in the year field.
Last weekend was busy with visiting friends and with family activities. I had a rough couple of days this week just getting motivated so I don't have a lot of progress to report.
I did manage to finally start my Master's paper. It's just a copy of the template with my major headings, but, it's a start!
Tonight I have a call with a potential business partner. Since I already have a lot on my plate I feel so-so about it, especially because it will be another long distance working relationship. I think right now I need a more structured, traditional work environment.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Cleanliness vs Godliness
Item #1 on my list has been a challenge. Cleaning is something that I am actually quite obsessive about however, it must be on my time and not all of the time. For years, I thought that I was borderline OCD but I now know that this is not the truth. If it were, my place would be spotless all of the time and I would be obsessively washing my hands. Sadly, this is not how it is.
Weekends tend to be my time to catch up on all of those things that I don't have time to do during the weekdays because I'm at work. My desk is usually quite tidy at the office. The rest of my home is usually pretty clean. When it comes to my room however, I find it a real challenge.
I suppose it's because I have too much stuff crammed into a little space...
That said, I haven't made much attempt to clean things up however, I did manage to package up some parcels that have been sitting around and writing letters to people. Things are progressing as far as the room is concerned but at a snail's pace. I suppose I'll have to get to it next weekend...
Friday, January 11, 2008
Start me up!
This is a fun, online incentive to keep myself motivated to complete my “to do” list of life. The content will evolve but for right now, I just wanted to get the ball rolling.
So, here is my current list:
c Clean up my room/workspace
c Get more exercise
c Eat better
c Rebuild lottery fund savings account
c Purchase my dream computer
c Save enough money to find a new apartment
Kirby's BIG Goals
c Finish my Masters degree
c Become employed, preferably self-employed
c Go Flying!
c Visit Hong Kong with our son
c Complete a full marathon
c Consume less
c De-clutter my office
Masters from Hell!
In any case, here I am. No more excuses, really, and no more blaming others for my current situation.
For me, this blog is to announce to the world that I will finish my degree. I owe it to my family, and I owe to myself.