Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Getting Things Done is done

This morning I finished reading Getting Things Done by David Allen. I had set a small goal to complete the book by the end of Jan 2008; I'm a few days late, but, I'm not beating myself up about it.

For me, this book makes sense and I would recommend it to anyone who feels overwhelmed by all of the tasks they must complete on a daily basis. The workflow that is presented in the book meets my logical mind and I have started to see real benefits from implementing it in my life.

Like most great ideas, there is nothing earth-shattering in the book, it is mostly common sense stuff, however, it has helped me to get back on track and not to worry about everything.

Near the end of the book their is a quote from a friend of the authors', Steven Snyder:
There are only two problems in life:
  1. you know what you want, and you don't know how to get it;
  2. you don't know hat you want

1 comment:

Lola said...

I think I should read that one...